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SwiftUI L-4

struct SwiftUIApp: App {
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {

This attribute marks the entry point of the application.

The name SwiftUIApp is the app's struct name, which conforms to the App protocol.

The App protocol is the entry point for a SwiftUI app.

var body: some Scene:
Every SwiftUI app must have a body property that returns a Scene.

  • A Scene represents a container for the user interface.

some Scene:

  • The some keyword indicates Opaque Return Types.
  • It means that the property will return a specific type of Scene, but the exact type doesn’t need to be explicitly stated.


  • WindowGroup creates a new window scene for the app.
  • This is typically used as the root container of your SwiftUI app.
  • WindowGroup supports multiple windows on platforms like macOS and iPadOS.


  • This is the initial view of the app.
  • ContentView is a SwiftUI View that defines the layout and content of the app's UI.

This structure eliminates the need for AppDelegate or SceneDelegate files, simplifying the app's architecture.

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